What Options Do You Have When CPS is Weaponized Against You?

Child Protective Services (CPS) plays a vital role in safeguarding the well-being of our children, ensuring they grow up in safe, nurturing environments. Regrettably, some individuals misuse CPS as a tool in custody battles or personal disputes, leading to baseless allegations against caring, protective parents.

Burke Brown Attorneys understands the distress and confusion families in King County face when false accusations of physical or sexual abuse of a child are levied. Our mission is to be a light in the darkness for those falsely accused who deserve to have their parental rights upheld through a CPS investigation.

Contact an Attorney Immediately

In situations where CPS intervenes based purely on allegations, your first and most crucial step is to consult with a lawyer. Burke Brown Attorneys emphasizes the importance of seeking legal counsel before engaging with CPS or law enforcement. Child-related investigations are highly sensitive, and CPS officials meticulously scrutinize every detail. Inadvertently, parents can incriminate themselves during these investigations.

Our attorneys will guide you through each stage of the investigative process, preparing you for the questions and strategies we commonly use to protect parents and families. If CPS requests an interview, schedule it at a date and time that gives you space to consult with us, ensuring you’re well-prepared. Understanding your situation with CPS is key.

Cooperation balanced with safeguarding your rights

Handling a CPS investigation requires balancing cooperation with safeguarding your rights. When we are involved, we are able to assist you with when, how and where to respond to the particular situation at hand. Remember, even seemingly innocent statements can be misconstrued in a CPS context. Our role is to gauge the extent of the threat presented to you by CPS involvement and to help you communicate effectively, ensuring your words accurately reflect your situation and intentions.  

Gather and Provide All Evidence in Your Favor

Parents under investigation need to adopt a proactive stance in gathering supportive evidence. Consider who among your acquaintances – friends, teachers, colleagues – can vouch for your character and relationship with your child. Ensure your home environment underscores your commitment to your child’s safety. CPS’s thorough approach aims to secure the child’s welfare; and we can help you show your suitability as a parent or guardian.


Protect Your Parental Rights with Burke Brown Attorneys

Burke Brown Attorneys is a staunch defender of parents,guardians, and others unjustly accused of various forms of child abuse. We have a track record of successfully representing clients against accusations like “inflicted trauma,” “nonaccidental trauma,” “Munchausen’s,” and sexual abuse, often grounded in mere suspicion or stemming from a malicious claim against you.

Our experienced attorneys are well-versed in the local legal landscape, including courts, prosecutors, and judges. We’re dedicated to keeping families together and preserving your reputation. If you’re contacted by CPS, contact Burke Brown Attorneys immediately.

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