When our Special Needs son was expelled, then placed into an undefined status, and the information from the school system kept changing with each of our inquiries, we were at our wits end until we found Dana. She helped us manage each aspect of the incident and the ensuing responses from the school district and tirelessly worked with us to track down information and put together a logical and rational approach to work with the school system while she followed up with outside agencies and entities. The end results were wonderful: our son was placed into a better school, records cleared, and an acceptable I.E.P. was implemented. We are so thankful for the work that Dana did to help us through this confusing and stressful process. She kept us informed every step of the way and worked closely with us to coordinate meetings, strategies, and helped us to focus on achieving acceptable end results. We would highly recommend Dana to anyone in the midst of dealing with school districts, zero-tolerance policies, and special needs circumstances.